Month: July 2014

The Queen to Knight Orlando Bloom

This update doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things but I do think its very important one as it makes me feel happy.
I’m totally against all domestic violence against girls and you should never hit a girl,  but on this occasion when Orlando Bloom hits that weiner  Justin Beiber we will have to let Mr. Bloom off and wait for The Queen to Knight #OrlandoBloom right?

Here is the full Justin Bieber Vs Orlando Bloom fight








Good summer 2014 with Square Elephant

Screen Shot 2014-07-26 at 12.57.06
I have had the best summer so far, not only for the weather but Its been a very productive month here at Square Elephant Productions, in last 2 months I produced 8 TV commercials.
5 adverts are currently on air on different mainstream UK TV networks and one in Cineworld Cinemas.Obviously i have had some great help :)I really appreciate all the efforts and the teamwork from Guerillascope , Talnet Productions, KAOS, Nodachi Production and Clearcast.

Thanks a lot to each one of you for being so supportive and cooperative. 

Parag Sankhe Website