Tag: Family

My Birthday 11.11.2012: The Year Turns Round Again

I’ve accomplished a lot in a year, and 2012 has been an amazing year for me but this November has been even more special for me.

I became an uncle to a very cute baby girl on 1st Nov, my film got screened at Denver Film Festival, I am producing my 1st 1 hr TV show and Barack Obama got re-elected. \o/

Although I have been constantly working, I have been lucky enough to have had managed some amazing adventures last year around my heavy work schedule.

Thanks for the lovely cards and very slick new iPad Mini 32GB, I do feel very very special to be surrounded by some very sweet people in my life.

Thank you for a great year and I look forward to seeing what the next year brings together!

I owe everything I have to you.

I would also like to share a very beautiful and meaningful song from The National Theatre’s production War Horse.

I haven’t seen the War Horse in theatre yet but brilliant production company I have recently started working for has filmed a commercial for it and it has this beautiful song, with beautiful lyrics.

Commercial for War Horse

The full song ‘The Year Turns Round Again’ from War Horse

A wager, a hat full of guinnies,
against all their songs you can sing,
but some day you’ll love
and the next day you’ll lose
and winter will turn into spring
and the snow falls, the wind calls
the year turns round again
and like barley corn who rose from the grain
a new year will rise up again
and there will come a time of great plenty
a time of good harvest and son
till then put your trust in tomorrow my friend
for yesterdays over and gone
Ploughed, sown, weat (or weed) and mown
the year turns round again
and like barley corn who rose from the grain (could be grave)
a new year will rise up again
a feeling arise, a gleam in her eyes
and the year turns ound again
and like barley corn who rose from the grain (could be grave)
a new year will rise up again

Parag Sankhe Website